Are you looking for Youth Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Youth by Ruth Radelet
[Verse 1]
The days are cold, the nights are blue
I am a bird who sings for you
You’re just like I used to be
So wild and so free
Not yet wounded by your enemies
Not yet haunted by your memories
Your hair falls in my eyes
In this room there is no time
Only words between the lies
[Verse 2] The days are cold, the nights are blue
I fall into the deep with you
You’re just like I used to be
A sailor on an open sea
Not yet poisoned by your vanity
Not disappointed by humanity [Chorus] In this room there is no time
Your hair falls in my eyes
In this room there is no time
Only words between the lies [Instrumental Outro]
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