Youth Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Youth Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Youth by Ruth Radelet

[Verse 1] The days are cold, the nights are blue
I am a bird who sings for you
You’re just like I used to be
So wild and so free
Not yet wounded by your enemies
Not yet haunted by your memories

[Chorus] In this room there is no time
Your hair falls in my eyes
In this room there is no time
Only words between the lies
[Verse 2] The days are cold, the nights are blue
I fall into the deep with you
You’re just like I used to be
A sailor on an open sea
Not yet poisoned by your vanity
Not disappointed by humanity

[Chorus] In this room there is no time
Your hair falls in my eyes
In this room there is no time
Only words between the lies

[Instrumental Outro]

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