Are you looking for With You Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
With You by Curtis Harding
It’s no fun here when you’re alone
There’s no sun here nothing has grown
Where do we go to get away?
How do we know when to stay?
Soon as we find a space I want to celebrate
If we could leave today
I would just sail away
With You
The sun shines bright
With you
You are my light
With you
I’m never alone
With you
I’m already home
It’s so fun here who would’ve known
Were over run here the flowers have grown
It’s beautiful today
Let’s go find a way
Soon as we find a space I want to celebrate
If we could leave today
I would just sail away
With you
The sun shines bright
With you
You are my light
With you
I’m never alone
With you
I’m already home
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