Wise Man Say Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Wise Man Say Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Wise Man Say by Anika Moa

Wise man say
Once bitten too bad
But you’re the only love
That I’ve ever had

And there’s no way
That I’m living like this
A broken down woman
With her hand at her wrist

[Chorus] If you really
(If you really, really want me)
Really want me
(If you really, really want me)
You can’t just say that
(You can’t just say that)
Just to please me
(Just to please me)

Wise man say
If you love it, set it free
But holding onto you
Is the way it is for me

And there’s no way
That I’m giving myself to you
When your wrap your arms around me
But you don’t feel it too

[Chorus] If you really
(If you really, really want me)
Really want me
(If you really, really want me)
You can’t just say that
(You can’t just say that)
Just to please me
(Just to please me)

I’ve spent too much time
Worrying what’s on your mind
This year has been hard

Wise man say
It’s a battle, that’s for sure
It can kill you or create
A different person who is sure

But surely you have a heart
That’s conflicted like mine
It’s a bitter lesson learnt
In this foolish heart of mine

READ MORE:  Let Go Song Lyrics
[Chorus] If you really
(If you really, really want me)
Really want me
(If you really, really want me)
You can’t just say that
(You can’t just say that)
Just to please me
(Just to please me)


(If you really, really want me)
(If you really, really want me)
(You can’t just say that)
(Just to please me)

(If you really, really want me)
(If you really, really want me)
(You can’t just say that)
Woah– yeah
(Just to please me)



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