Why Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Why Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Why by Jordana

[Chorus] Why do, why do
Why do I give a damn?
Give a damn
Why should, why should
Why should I even care?
Why should I even care?

[Verse 1] Always got some sort of problem going on
Going on
Praying to a god I don’t even believe in
Oh, God, what’s wrong?
All of the sh*t I did in my youth
Seen in the darkest point of view
Anxiety’s the house
What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
[Chorus] Why do, why do
Why do I give a damn?
Give a damn
Why should, why should
Why should I even care?
Why should I even care?

[Verse 2] Always got some sort of problem going on
Oh, God, what’s wrong?
Scary truth to acknowledge
But I’ll do it anyway
I don’t have a say
What is inside of that brain of yours?
Always thought that there was so much more
The past has made it tainted
There’s no going back

[Bridge] Why should I care?
Why do I give a damn?
Why should I care?
Why do I give a damn?
(That’s what I’m talking about)

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