Where Did The Dinosaurs Go? Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Where Did The Dinosaurs Go? Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Where Did The Dinosaurs Go? by Paul Austin Kelly

Sixty-five million years ago
On the Yucatan peninsula in the Gulf of Mexico
There crashed a mighty asteroid of ten miles wide, or so
Sixty-five million years ago
Sixty-five million years, my friends
And sixty-four before the first homosapiens
The Earth was ruled by dinosaurs but this came to an end
Sixty-five million years, my friends
Where did the dinosaurs go?
Where did the dinosaurs go?
Tell me does anyone know?
Sixty-five million years ago.
Sixty-five million years, my dear
The asteroid threw tons of dust into the atmosphere
The dust blocked out the sunshine on our planet far and near
Sixty-five million years, my dear.
Sixty-five million years, I said.
Without life-giving sunlight all the plants would soon be dead.
Without life-giving plants how would the dinosaurs be fed?
Sixty-five millions years, I said.
(repeat REFRAIN)
Sixty-five million years ago,
The shockwaves that were started in the Gulf of Mexico,
Would spread around the world and see the dinosaurs laid low!
Sixty-five million years ago.
(repeat REFRAIN)

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