When The Saints Go Marching In Song Lyrics


Are you looking for When The Saints Go Marching In Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

When The Saints Go Marching In by Dr. John

Well a-when the saints go marching in,
When the saints go marching in
Mm I want to be, I’m gonna be in that number,
Ooo when the saints go marching in.

Oh when the sun yeah begins to shine.
When that old sun begins to shine,
I tell you something I’m gonna be I’m gonna be in that number,
When the sun begins to shine.

Yeah when my lord calls me home again,
Ah when my lord calls me home again,
I’ll tell you I’m gonna be in that number,
Oh when my lord calls me home again.

Oh when the saints go marching in,
When the saints go marching in
I tell you something I’m gonna be I’m gonna be in that number,
When the saints go marching in.

Well when the sun yeah begins to shine.
When that sun begins to shine,
I tell you something I’m gonna be I’m gonna be in that number,
When that old sun begins to shine.

Lazy one time.
Mm mm, yeh, alright, mm, yeah,
Ooo when the saints go marching in.

Yeah when the saints go marching in,
Yeah when the saints go marching in
I tell you something, I’m gonna be I’m gonna be in that number,
Yeah when the saints go marching in.

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Yeah when my lord calls me home again,
Ah when my lord calls me home again,
I’ll tell you I’m gonna be in that number,
Oh when the saints go marching in.

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