Are you looking for When That Somebody Is You Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
When That Somebody Is You by Michelle Branch
And when you swear that you’re starin’ at a stranger
And everythin’ that they’re sayin’ is true
But you know, it’s too late
You can’t change her
And the wait can’t be coming too soon
Hold on
You never can give up easy
You’ll carry it through
‘Cause it hurts to give up on somebody
When that somebody is you
Well, you’ll always get what you ask for
You know, the easy road don’t cut through
And your life is a total disaster
But you’re too scared to be askin’ for proof
Hold on
You never can give up easy
You’ll carry it through
‘Cause it hurts to give up on somebody
When that somebody is you
To be young
And on your own
Carry it all
And never grow up
To be young
And on my own
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