Are you looking for Whatever That Was Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Whatever That Was by Tegan And Sara
Been dragging ’round this town in a bad mood lately
Feel like somebody died, baby who’s going to save me?
I guess I never really ever knew me at all
And I guess I never thought about it till you were gone
Feel like somebody died, baby who’s going to save me?
You used to call me out wherever I was
I used to love you girl, whatever that was
The more I think about it now, that’s all that it was
The more I think about it now, that’s all that it was
Been dragging ’round this town every lie that you told me
Feel like I lost my mind, baby can you really blame me?
I guess I never really ever knew you at all
And I guess I never thought about it till you were gone
Feel like I lost my mind, baby can you really blame me?
You used to call me out wherever I was
I used to love you girl, whatever that was
The more I think about it now, that’s all that it was
The more I think about it now, that’s all that it was
I don’t think about you much at all
I don’t ever wonder how you are
Every time I find myself wishing you weren’t gone
I just tell myself that I was wrong
The more I think about it now, that’s all that it was
The more I think about it now, that’s all that it was
I don’t think about you much at all
I don’t think about you much at all
I don’t ever wonder how you are
I don’t think about you much at all
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