What If I Told You Song Lyrics


Are you looking for What If I Told You Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

What If I Told You by Dion

What if I told you
I heard you call his name
What if I told you
I heard you call his name
I know you’re on fire, baby
But I believe I’m not the flame

There’ll come a day, girl
You’ll see what you have done
There’ll come a day, girl
You’ll see what you have done
You’ll know what you had
You’ll know I was the one

Around and round like an old top
You spin my mind and then it won’t stop
Down and down you let a name drop
Say you love me then you flip flop
The roof is leaking, little girl
Going drip drop, drip drop

What if I told you
You’re gonna be sorry someday
What if I told you
You’ll be sorry someday
Don’t know what you’re doing
But you’ll know when I go away

Around and round like an old top
You spin my mind and then it won’t stop
Down and down you let a name drop
Say you love me then you flip flop
The roof is leaking, little girl
Going drip drop, drip drop

What if I told you
I heard you call his name
What if I told you
I heard you call his name
I know you’re on fire, baby
But I believe I’m not your flame

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