What Feels Like Eternity Song Lyrics


Are you looking for What Feels Like Eternity Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

What Feels Like Eternity by Metric

Crying on the line, tower under vine
Caution on repeat with nowhere to be
Surface of the peak, try a layer deep
Ready to redeem all the drudgery
Follow my pain for a long time, dying
I’m crying on the line, tower under vine
Follow my pain for a long time, dying
I’m crushing on repeat through another week

Towing the line, attention to find a gate free
Pushing up to speed, cut a layer deep
Towing the line, a tension to find a gate free
Ready to redeem all the drudgery
Drive it away and my strength might save me

It feels like eternity for what feels like eternity
And what might overpower me
Head down, don’t look up, I grind along
Feels like eternity for what feels like eternity
To race for what’s in front of me
Head down, don’t look up, I sing

Shelter from the storm, keep each other warm
Who will cover me in my hour of need?
Follow my pain for a long time, dying
I’m crushing on repeat through another week
Holding the light, attempting to fight the bad dream
Ready to redeem all the drudgery
Drive it away when the time lapse strikes me

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It feels like eternity for what feels like eternity
And what might overpower me
Head down, don’t look up, I grind along
Feels like eternity for what feels like eternity
To race for what’s in front of me
Head down, don’t look up, I sing

It feels like eternity for what feels like eternity
And what might overpower me
Head down, don’t look up, I grind along
Feels like eternity for what feels like eternity
And what might overpower me
Head down, don’t look up, I grind along
Feels like eternity for what feels like eternity
To race for what’s in front of me
Head down, don’t look up, I sing along

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