Are you looking for Waiting Room Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Waiting Room by Ásgeir
I was away when I heard
The news
My brother called me up
From the damned waiting room
I got a ticket to ride
Back home
My mind was racing
In fear of the unknown
I saw a dry barren land
All looked so lifeless and bland
On my way
Wait up before you cross the lake
Down by the ocean we hoped
To build a house
Tune into the sound of waves
And watch the sun go down
Riding along the open road
In a haze
It only took hours
But felt like many days
I saw a dry barren land
All looked so lifeless and bland
The road into town seemed so long
The bird’s sang a sad sad song
On my way
Wait up before you cross the lake
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