Voiceless Prophets Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Voiceless Prophets Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Voiceless Prophets by City of Caterpillar

Curious about
All that wasted time
Where it went
Hate! Hate!
Nothing to give or take
Don’t know whose side
My mind is on
Repeated in the song
Crossing eyes

There’s nobody home
The misery left on
And nobody knows

Endless cycle, but who’s to say
Hopeless, voidless
Can’t change
What we won’t hear
But everyone knows

Endless cycle
But who’s to blame
Voiceless, Prophets
This headache is a heart attack
But everyone knows

Is this awake, or oasis
Memories, shadows
Flicker in the flame
Is this awake, or oasis
Condemned to bed
But who’s to blame

The desert seas shaking me
Undone, undone
Drink it in, drink it in, drink it in
Honestly, who’s to say
Honestly, who’s to say
Honestly, who’s to say
There’s nobody home
Nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody

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