Under His Feet Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Under His Feet Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Under His Feet by Mckameys

When Simon Peter walked abreast, putting his faith up to the test
He said master will thou bid me come unto the
Jesus said come, so peter went and when the faith he had was spent
Peter sank low but Jesus had waves roll under his feet
Under his feet
Under his, under yes under his feet
There’s not a problem that you’ll face, he cannot meet
Whenever you’ve waded out to far and problem to deep
Remember when waves are over your head there under his feet
Often we faint in trials soar, can’t face our problems anymore
Forgetting where ever we may go, he’s been there before
We should look up and praise the Lord, he walks the waters and the shores, the heavenly breeze and the thundering seas are under his feet

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