Undeniably You Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Undeniably You Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Undeniably You by Kristin Rader

You watch me fly
You let me go
I try my wings
But we both know
How lost I’d be
How far I’d fall
I’d hit the ground
I’d hit the wall
When I’m spiraling down
Lord You turn me around
In ways that only You can do
And then it all comes into view
And I see Your plans unfolding for me
When Your hands show me the way
And I see where You are taking me
There is no mistaking it’s true
Yeah it’s undeniably You
You spin the stars
You calm the sea
You move the worlds
And You move me
Like a leaf on the wind
I am taken again
And there’s nothing more that I can do
And then it all comes into view
And I see Your plans unfolding for me
When Your hands show me the way
And I see where You are taking me
There is no mistaking it’s true
Yeah it’s undeniably You
Cause You’re teaching me
You’re leading me

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