Turpentine Moan Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Turpentine Moan Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Turpentine Moan by Canned Heat

My baby’s gone she running round with some one else
My baby’s gone she running round with some one else
She won’t come back
I just can??t help myself

She left last night just about half past nine
She left late last night just about half past nine
Why’d she leave me,
I just can’t keep from crying

Now I’m gonna moan a little bit baby

(Instrumental break)

Well what you gonna do when your troubles get like mine
Well what you gonna do when your troubles they get like mine
You take a mouth full of sugar, drink a bottle of turpentine

(Spoken: oooh I got trouble
Looks like bad luck follow me everywhere I go
Now I want you to remember this)

Well what you gonna do when your troubles get like mine
Well what you gonna do when your troubles they get like mine
You take a mouth full of sugar, drink a bottle of turpentine

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