Trouble (Stripped) Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Trouble (Stripped) Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Trouble (Stripped) by Halsey

Would you bleed for me?
Lick it off my lips like you needed me?
Would you sit me on a couch?
With your fingers in my mouth?
You look so cool when you’re reading me.
Let’s cause a little trouble.
Oh, you make me feel so weak.
I bet you kiss your knuckles.
Right before they touch my cheek.
But I’ve got my mind, made up this time.
Cause there’s a menace in my bed.
Can you see his silhouette?
Can you see his silhouette?
Can you see his silhouette?
And I’ve got my mind, made up this time.
Go on and light a cigarette, set a fire in my head.
Set a fire in my head, tonight.
Would you lie for me?
Cross your sorry heart and hope to die for me?
Would you pin me to a wall?
Would you beg or would you crawl?
Stick a needle in your hungry eyes for me?
Let’s cause a little trouble.
Oh, you make me feel so weak.
I bet you kiss your knuckles.
Right before they touch my cheek.
But I’ve got my mind, made up this time.
Cause there’s a menace in my bed.
Can you see his silhouette?
Can you see his silhouette?
Can you see his silhouette?
And I’ve got my mind, made up this time.
Go on and light a cigarette, set a fire in my head.
Set a fire in my head, tonight.
Don’t forget me, don’t forget me.
I wouldn’t leave you if you’d let me.
Hmm, when you met me when you met me.
You told me you were gonna get me.
Don’t forget me don’t forget me.
I wouldn’t leave you if you’d…
And I’ve got my mind, made up this time.
Cause there’s a menace in my bed.
Can you see his silhouette?
Can you see his silhouette?
Can you see his silhouette?
And I’ve got my mind, made up this time.
Go on and light a cigarette, set a fire in my head.
Set a fire in my head tonight, tonight, tonight.
Set a fire in my head tonight.

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