Troglodyte Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Troglodyte Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Troglodyte by Viagra Boys

He goes to work on his computer
He thinks about his gun at home
One day, he’s gonna be a shooter
He’s gonna bring his gun to work

He thinks about the ones around him
And the punishments they’ll face
But things they would play out much different
Back in the time when we were apes

When everybody was a monkey
We had to fight just to survive
And now you’ve got yourself a weapon
You think you choose who lives and dies

But when we had hairy arms and legs
And you were still swimming round in a lake
Yeah you were still a troglodyte
You just evolved a bit too late

You ain’t no ape
You’re a troglodyte
You ain’t no ape
You’re a troglody-y-yte

He says he don’t believe in science
He thinks that all the news is fake
And late at night he sits on his computer
And writes about the things he hates

But if it was a million years ago
And we were still living in caves
You would not be welcomed by the other apes
‘Cause you evolved a bit too late

You ain’t no ape
You’re a troglodyte
You ain’t no ape
You’re a troglody-y-yte
Yeah, you’re a troglody-y-yte
Yeah, you’re a
Yeah, you’re a
Yeah, yeah you’re a
T-t-t-t, t-t, t-t-t-t-t-t-t
Troglodyte (Yeah, you’re a troglodyte)

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