Tormentum Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Tormentum Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Tormentum by Queensryche

Terror down below the buckles to his knees
Fire in the hole to crack the secrecy
Allegiance pushed to another extreme
Natural born killer occult regime

Another victim, show me a sign

Indignation, lights again
Suffocation, lights again
Domination, lights again
Isolation, lights again

Watching and waiting they probe endlessly
But they can’t compete for the pain runs too deep
Spawning the next hundred years of revenge
Death is their honor and means to transcend

Now who’s the victim, you’ve crossed that line

Indignation, lights again
Suffocation, lights again
Domination, lights again
Isolation, lights again

“As pursuant to the Geneva Convention, no exceptional circumstances, whether, a threat of war, a state of war, political instability, public emergency, order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justification of torture.”

How will it end, who makes the call
They’ll never get it all
As the sorrows stains the floor
When will it break the will to survive
What will it take, you’re still alive
Death before dishonor stays
A war of sheer insanity
The false facade of piety
Still the game plays on

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