Are you looking for Tooth for a Tooth Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Tooth for a Tooth by Johanna Warren
Loose ends tying me up in knots
Caught recirculating the same old thoughts
Can’t catch a break for a goddamn minute
Wonder who’s at the gates?
Felt him coming miles away
I feel everything
But I guess that’s how you know you’re in it
Sometimes I can remember the good times
Sometimes it’s easier to forget
So I don’t have to miss you too much
Sometimes I can relate to myself
I disassociate more than I’d like to
But what can you do?
Freedom comes at a price
I can tell you from years of taking my own advice
Not many people can handle the truth
But I’d rather be lonely and empowered
Than on a cross or devoured
By those who would take a tooth for a tooth
Sometimes I can remember the good times
Sometimes it’s easier to forget
So I don’t have to miss you too much
Sometimes I can relate to myself
I disassociate more than I’d like to
But what can you do?
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