Too Many CowGirls Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Too Many CowGirls Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Too Many CowGirls by Al J Heid

A pret ty face a sweet sm ile
Inner beauty with class and style
Lovely ladies that drive men wild
Measure up in every height and size
Voluptuous blonds radiant brunettes,
Redhead sweethearts you can never forget,
Sweet feminine sents over welming my sinces
How can I make-up my mind like this.
Too many cowgirls to choose from,
I want ‘um all but I get just one
Too many cowgirls to choose from
No rush I’m having way too much fun
Any honky-tonk on a Friday night
Lively music is what they like
She’s all decked out, ready to dance
Not afraid to talk and lookin’ for romance
Each one special, unique in some way
The sound of her voice and the things that she’ll say
So Lord,wont you tell me, what is the catch?
I don’t understand your reason for this.
Too many cowgirls to choose from,
I want ‘um all but I get just one
Too many cowgirls to choose from
No rush I’m having way too much fun
So many faces and all those smiles
Touch my heart in a special way
They re so beautiful i”m in a state of Confusion
Ready for romance and this has to be the day
(Scream) Unbelievable, every height and size
Green-eyed redheads and blue-eyed blond
Yes I think i’ll take one for a whirl
And I just might keep this cow girl
Too many cowgirls to choose from,
I want ‘um all but I just get one
Too many cowgirls to choose from
Oh I’ve got mine now I think I ‘ m done
Oh I’ve got mine now I think I ‘ m done
Yes I ‘ve got mine now I know I’m done
Oh yeah I know I’m all Done

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