Too In Love To Die Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Too In Love To Die Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Too In Love To Die by Julia Jacklin

I’m too in love to die
If this plane were to go down
Surely the love I feel for him
Would soften the ground

I’m too in love to die
God couldn’t take me now
Surely the love I feel for him
Would save my life somehow

It would throw me a rope
Reach out a hand
Surely the powers that be
Would understand

That I’m too in love to die
If I stepped out on the highway
All the cars would spin around me like a dance
And here on earth I would stay

To throw you a rope
Reach out my hand
Use all the power in me
To understand
Why I need to stay here
Right by your side
Surely it’s love like this that keeps us alive

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