Times To Come Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Times To Come Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Times To Come by Rodrigo Aranjuelo

I’ve been trying for so long
I’m in trouble
I think my head is my contender
I read the news away from home
To calm this feeling
And the moment may last forever
Spend my time for times to come
But not together
I bet it’s gonna be a long December
Everyday learn something new
I’m in trouble
I feel lonely now more than ever
And all I can give is
Many reasons to get back
You know the reason why
The days are so long
I found a place within your smile
I’m trouble
I hope this moment gonna last forever
Keep me safe I am far from home
Far than ever
It’s not easy but I’m getting better
And all I can give is
Many reasons to get back
You know the reason why
The days are so long
I don’t remember when
But I build a home again and it’s with you
Many places and we just move on
Many times just for the times to come

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