These Are My People Song Lyrics


Are you looking for These Are My People Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

These Are My People by Rod Stewart

These are my people
This is the land where my forefathers lie
These are my people
In brotherhood we’re heirs of a creed to live by
A creed that proclaims that by loved ones blood stains
This is my land
Oh, and these are my people

These are my people
They were born on and lived by the land
These are my people
And their cities were raised by hard working hands
And their faces do tell that they’re holding on well
To this, their land, yeah
And these are my people

These are my people
These are the ones who will reach for the stars
These are my people
By the light of the earth you can tell they are ours
A new step to take and a new day will break
For this my land
Oh, and these are my people
These are my people

A new step to take and a new day will break
For this my land
Oh, and these are my people
My people
These are my people
These are my people
My people

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