Are you looking for The Sea Beneath The Seas Of The Sea Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
The Sea Beneath The Seas Of The Sea by Darkthrone
A lot of foot-kissing in this bible
And bare-faced lying
In a grave with panoramic view
Of well-respected evil
As your soul drags through shallow riverbeds
Welcome to the closed hands of barren banks
Drying out in the caves of apathy
While I am the sea, beneath the sea of the sea
And at last, September appeared in me
Ran down the mountains with the fog
He surely went at great lengths
Bricking up the progress of Fall
Cavedwelling everlasting spectre
It bellows and slurs bloated, confined
But here, the skies they differ every day
They speak to me within their vast array
As your soul drags through shallow riverbeds
Welcome to the closed hands of barren banks
Drying out in caves of apathy
While I am, the sea beneath the seas of the sea
The sea beneath the seas of the sea
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