The King Lost His Crown Song Lyrics


Are you looking for The King Lost His Crown Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

The King Lost His Crown by Unleashed

He fled like a rat
From all responsibility
Demanding that you still follow
The almighty creed

You kneel and bow
Thought control
Your point of view is not allowed

The king lost his crown
Upon this holy ground
The king lost his crown
All your hopes and visions

They all died today
Followed a corrupt Messiah
Holding you down but still you pray

You kneel and bow
Thought control
Your point of view is not allowed

The king lost his crown
Upon this holy ground
The king lost his crown

All that remains
An army of mice
Fleeing towards the desert
Like human lice
Like human lice

He fled like a rat
From all responsibility
Demanding that you still follow
The almighty creed

You kneel and bow
Thought control
Your point of view is not allowed

The king lost his crown
Upon this holy ground
The king lost his crown

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