The Bite Song Lyrics


Are you looking for The Bite Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

The Bite by Municipal Waste

This sickness is spreading
Now you’re all dead
From one bite this plague’s taking over the rest
One man with one weapon
Our last hope
Pushed to the edge on this pus covered floor

A symphony
Of blended heads
Forced gore
Rotting legs
Skull shards
Springing forth
Bludgeoned with
A spinal chord

The blade is shredding
It’s whirling around
It’s ripping and building
And starting a pile
Spraying and slipping
All over the ground
He’s grinning and gritting
He’s mowing them down

The horde has been vanquished
There’s only one left
Putrid air rises with hot undead breath

A symphony
Of blended heads
Forced gore
Rotting legs
Skull shards
Springing forth
Bludgeoned with
A spinal chord

The blade is shredding
And whirling around
It’s ripping and building
And starting a pile
Spraying and slipping
All over the ground
Grinning and gritting
He’s mowing them down

He’s mowing them down

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