Are you looking for The Bestowal Of Abomination Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
The Bestowal Of Abomination by Goatwhore
An encroaching new dawn
Sworn in the rites of feral decree
Subdue the despair in life
Peel away this mortal disguise
Praise the prophecy of madness
A timeless calling of chaos
Spawned from a godless soul
A godless soul
Lust of all disorder has cast us here
Vengeful insight
This life is without fear
Observe the reality of madness
God’s disease infects us
Born from the untruth of life
The untruth of life
I know I’m going down into the fire
Blacked out and burning
Upon the altar of blood and flame
A firmament of screams
Falling through the cracks in eternity
When faith is dead God has no power
Disparaged emotion
Transcending pleasure
Beyond the veil a code of blasphemy
Bestowal of abomination
Vast is the fervent curse
Unfading malice
The blade of desire
Slicing the throat of mercy
Speechless words
Pour from the wound
I know I’m going down into the fire
Blacked out and burning
Upon the altar of blood and flame
Behold the mark of madness
An evil lurks within us
Life falls from the edge of demise
The edge of your demise
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