The Adventures Of Albatross And Doggerel Song Lyrics


Are you looking for The Adventures Of Albatross And Doggerel Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

The Adventures Of Albatross And Doggerel by DBSK

The albatross is fading fast
He’s falling through the looking-glass
And as the world he knows recedes
No one can hear his fervent pleas
Ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah
His loyal friend the doggerel
Was holding court but here he fell
He sees his life go slipping past
Until he says with his last gasp
Ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah
I can see everything
I can hear everything
But I can’t do anything for you
They come ashore seeing trees serene
And face an ocean’s fractured green
Now in the distance they’ll swell
Around a tune they know so well
Ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah
I can see everything
I can hear everything
But I can’t do anything for you
And albatross and doggerel
Imagine life before they fell
You were the emblem of her truth
Now we are bark without the tooth
Ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah
I can see everything
I can hear everything
But I can’t do anything for you
No I can’t do anything for you
No I can’t do anything for you

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