Are you looking for Tectonic Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Tectonic by Tirzah
Close touch tips where our motions
Attract the meeting of our lips
Pursued as the rhythm magnetized our hips
Techno to tectonic plates
With no gin
When you touch me I’m out my body
Instinct takes place
When you touch me I’m out my body
Instinct takes place
When you touch me I’m out my body
Instinct takes place
Instinct takes place
You know I’m yours and you’re mine
As soon as you meet my face
Close touch tips where our motions attract
The meeting of our lips
Pursued as the rhythm magnetized our hips
Techno to tectonic plates
With no gin
When you touch me I’m out my body
Instinct takes place
You know I’m yours and you’re mine
As soon as you meet my face
As soon as you meet my face
As soon as you meet my face
As soon as you meet my face
As soon as you meet my face
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