TDK Scribbled Intro Song Lyrics


Are you looking for TDK Scribbled Intro Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

TDK Scribbled Intro by Open Mike Eagle

(I was thinking, I was thinking)
I was thinking about all the stuff I said before
(I been sittin’ by myself)
My insides was out
(Felt weird, felt weird)
(I been sittin’ by myself)
Yesterday is safer, ’cause you already know what happened
(I had some time by myself)
And every album (Every one of ’em)
Is a little collection of pieces of yesterdays
I don’t always have the words for the feelings
(I been sittin’ by myself)
(So I decided, so I decided)
So I decided to make you a tape

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