Take It Or Leave It Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Take It Or Leave It Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Take It Or Leave It by James Arthur

Yeah, all the highs and lows
The loss of inhibitions
I’m under the throws of all my bad decisions

Everybody’s asking questions I don’t know
Secretly, I’m desperate to stay in control
I will give you my confession, I’m alone, oh

So take it or leave it, my voice is nearly broken
Drowning in slow motion
‘Cause, oh, I’m down and hopeless, it’s true
So take it or leave it, I’m numb, my body’s frozen
And all my doors are closing
My light is dying slowly, it’s true
So take it or leave it all

People come and go
It takes a lot to faze me, living on the road
Been through so many stages

Everybody’s asking questions I don’t know
Secretly I’m desperate to stay in control
I will give you my confession, I’m alone, oh

So take it or leave it, my voice is nearly broken
Drowning in slow motion
‘Cause, oh, I’m down and hopeless, it’s true
So take it or leave it, I’m numb, my body’s frozen
And all my doors are closing
My light is dying slowly, it’s true
So take it or leave it all

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‘Cause I’m right here
So take it or leave it all
‘Cause I’m right here
So take it or leave it all

Maybe you’re my medicine
Like a sort of adrenaline
All my lies, all my sins
I wish I would’ve been a better friend
I’m just trying to find a way to win
Maybe I want too many things
And I hope it’ll all make sense in the end

My voice is nearly broken (I hope), drowning in slow motion
‘Cause, oh, I’m down and hopeless, it’s true (I hope)
And I hope it’ll all make sense in the end
Now my body’s frozen (I hope)
And all my doors are closing (It’ll all make sense in the end)
My light is dying slowly, it’s true (I hope)
It’ll all make sense in the end

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