Sweet Dreams Of You Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Sweet Dreams Of You Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Sweet Dreams Of You by Bono Budi Priambodo

I find it oh so hard to believe that I can love somebody
But deep inside my heart I knew I can’t cheat my heart, yes, I need to love
Somehow I still wonder… ‘deed I really do…
I’ll never show that I also need someone to love. No. Never.
But suddenly you came, and I just could not believe, I dream of you
Ever since we met I cannot get you away out of my dreams
How could I feel this way? How could you do so?
For God sake, I want you but I dare not to tell you. I was just too shy.
Every night and day your shadows haunt me
I hate to tell myself I’m falling in love
But if this is love, why don’t you just tell me?
I believe that you’ll come right away to me.
Can you imagine it? Something I dare not to dream of. What a surprise!
Suddenly I knew that you’re in love with me, too. What can I do?
It’s nothing but dreams come true, sweet dreams of you.
I’ll never let you go and I’ll promise my whole life for you.
I tell you I love you and you’ll say you love me, too.
I love you.

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