Stray Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Stray Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Stray by Fetchin Bones

You need my flesh like they weaned you early
They taught you to pout and threw you out
Now you come to me, knives in your blue eyes and a hungry look
You mangy mutt, with those blue eyes you cut
Get the stray
You howl outside houses
You beg to come in to tear them apart
And then you leave them breathless in bed
Leave you your cupboards bare
You catch a fresh scent in the air
The stray never stays
He bark, he laugh, he runs away
Get the stray
I saw you on the street walking on a leash
Somebody finally picked you up
Put a diamond collar ’round your neck
Now you get your shots
Silver spoon for your gravy train
But you’re sniffing everything around
When you sneak out uptown
Bad dog, bad dog
Get the stray
You need my flesh like they weaned you early
They taught you to pout and threw you out
Now you come to me, knives in your blue eyes and a hungry look
You mangy mutt, with those blue eyes you cut
You cut the stray

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