Stick Around Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Stick Around Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Stick Around by Whitmer Thomas

[Verse 1] The moon hangs low
Over this playset town
Bathed in a jaundice glow
Your teeth are grinding down
You had your youth
Stayed underground
And all the accolades, well, they
Won’t stop you now
You made me cry
My whole life
And we bought all your stock
Just stoking the fire
Moon’s gonna drop
On this playset town
[Refrain] Man, I’d give anything for you to stick around
Man, I’d give anything for you to stick around

[Verse 2] Tides rolling in
And the jetty’s glass
Dirty and desperate
In your alma mater hat
Searching the rocks
For a refry cig
The fish ain’t biting on
Your rusty old jig
And you’ve got a kid now
And you named him Spike
Looks like a cartoon baby
He’s the love of your life
You had your youth
But you’re burnt out
Frostеd flakes in a court case, well, thеy
Won’t help you now
Tides rolling in
Your head’s hanging down

[Refrain] Man, I’d give anything for you to stick around
Man, I’d give anything for you to stick around

[Verse 3] The ink in your tongue
Ain’t gonna dry out
And I just end up feeling sorry
For putting my foot down
And you never die
You’ll never grow old
I hope you know
That you are rock ‘n’ roll
But the trembling
Stops being cute
Humming to the rain
Clacking the mud off your shoes
I never get used to the sound

[Refrain] Man, I’d give anything for you to stick around
Man, I’d give anything for you to stick around

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