Stand Up Strong Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Stand Up Strong Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Stand Up Strong by Moriba Marcano

V1) Every man needs a woman
And every woman needs her man
Someone you can depend on
Someone to hold your hand
And that is way
Ch) I am gonna stand up strong
‘Cause the road of life is so very long
And we have got to be there ’til the end
Girl I need a lover and a friend

V2) Lately my life has been a sad song
Still I find the strength to carry on
‘Cause girl,
Since you came and touched me
Now I know together is where we belong
And that is why
Ch) We have got to stand up strong
‘Cause the road of life is so very long
And we have got to be there ’til the end
Girl I need a lover and a friend

V3) Every man needs a woman
And every woman needs her man
Someone you can depend on
Someone to hold your hand
And that is way
Ch) I am gonna stand up strong
‘Cause the road of life is so very long
And we have got to be there ’til the end
Girl I need a lover and a friend

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