Are you looking for stained glass Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
stained glass by Field Medic
This is the trouble I’m in
It’s unbelievable
It’s a bad trip
Crisis on top of crisis
It’s like stained glass
When the light hits
When the light hits
I know this ain’t God punishing me
This is a reckoning
For my own stupidity
It feels like (It feels like)
The closing scene (Closing scene)
The credits begin to roll every morning
And when I remember (When I remember)
The specifics of everything (The specifics of everything)
It’s a shot of adrenaline
I can’t stop worrying
This can’t be happening
I know this ain’t God punishing me
This is a reckoning
For my own stupidity
And this is the trouble I’m in
(This is the trouble I’m in)
This is the trouble I’m in
It’s unbelievable
It’s a bad trip
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