Are you looking for Sound Observations Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Sound Observations by Wax Fang
Politicians talk
Ears are falling off
When they open their mouths up, jugs become cups
The obvious is often amusing
Doesnât mean anything
Doesnât mean anything
That golden age is gone
The silver screen is a silly? production
The mathematician dreams are the adding machine
Wonât you overstay your welcome
Places and nowhere to go
Except in circles
And all around the things you see are generally uninteresting
Close your eyes and bite your tongue
? And naked is an absolution?
Iâve broken lovers kissing in public
The paparazzi pop photographs
Like ants on a carcass they hunt the parking lots of hospitals and cemeteries
And autumn? leaves/leafs?and winter freezes
Weâll be all alone
Our home a castle
For ninety? our kingdom come
Weâre all for one and one for nothing
Take me by my severed hand
Iâll wait for you on this deserted island
Sound observations constitute the union
Heartbroken lovers, kissing in public
Your eyes open wider
You might see me inside of your brain
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