Somebody To Love Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Somebody To Love Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Somebody To Love by Kacey Musgraves

[Verse 1] We’re all hoping, we’re all hopeless
We’re all thorns and we’re all roses
We’re all looking down our noses at ourselves
We’re all flawed and we’re all perfect
We’re all lost and we’re all hurting
And just searching for somebody to love
[Verse 2] We’re all liars, we’re all legends
We’re all tens, I’d want elevens
We’re all trying to get to heaven, but not today
We’re all happy, we’re all hatin’
We’re all patiently impatient
And just waiting for somebody to love
[Chorus] We’re all good, but we ain’t angels
We all sin, but we ain’t devils
We’re all pots and we’re all kettles
But we can’t see it in ourselves
We’re all livin’ ’til we’re dying
We ain’t cool, but man, we’re trying
Just thinking we’ll be fixed by someone else
[Verse 3] We all wrangle with religion
We all talk, but we don’t listen
We’re all starving for attention then we’ll run
We’re all paper, we’re all scissors
We’re all fightin’ with our mirrors
Scared we’ll never find somebody to love
[Chorus] We’re all good, but we ain’t angels
We all sin, but we ain’t devils
We’re all pots and we’re all kettles
But we can’t see it in ourselves
We’re all livin’ ’til we’re dying
We ain’t cool, but man, we’re trying
Thinking we’ll be fixed by someone else
[Verse 4] Just tryin’ to hold it all together
We all wish our best was better
Just hopin’ that forever’s really real
We’ll miss a dime to grab a nickel
Overcomplicate the simple
We’re all little kids just looking for love
Yeah, don’t we all just want somebody to love?

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