Some Things Have a Name Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Some Things Have a Name Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Some Things Have a Name by Kimberly Kelly

[Verse 1] Call it what you want
Some sort of cry for help or lapse inside your mind
Save it for a psychiatric PhD boy, I ain’t gonna buy
‘Cause you know what you did
There’s just one word for it

[Chorus] When you fall into her arms
Darlin’, that’s called cheatin’
And when I start walkin’ out that door
Baby, that’s called leavin’
When I close down the bar
And let a friend drive my car
Well, that’s called drinkin’
If you’re feelin’ what I’m feelin’
That’s called pain
Yeah, some things have a name
[Verse 2] Let me know if I’m confusin’ you
Or movin’ just a little bit too fast
Goodbye to me don’t mean I need a little space
And I might be comin’ back
No, when I’m gone I’m gone
And you’ll be all alone

[Chorus] ‘Cause when you fall into her arms
Darlin’, that’s called cheatin’
And when I start walkin’ out that door
Baby, that’s called leavin’
When I close down the bar
And let a friend drive my car
Well, that’s called drinkin’
If you’re feelin’ what I’m feelin’
That’s called pain
Yeah, some things have a name

[Chorus] Yeah, when I close down the bar
And let a friend drive my car
Well, that’s called drinkin’
If you’re feelin’ what I’m feelin’
That’s called pain
Make no mistake, some things have a name

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