Are you looking for So What Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
So What by Pinegrove
But so what?
So much, so what, so overdrawn
Everyone you meet along
Suffered an ellipsis and it’s done
One day, just one, not too much
Now today
Eleven degrees on September 10th
I see what you mean, come on
October 13th now with Leo gone
Paterson moves on, but not too much
Your one and only life
Your one and only mine
Taking pictures down
Taking boxes out
But so what?
Tell it like it is or it’s worthless
The day don’t mean as much
Been enough between it to cover it up
One day, just one, not too much
Your one and only life
Your one and only night
Taking pictures down
Taking boxes out
But so what?
So what?
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