Sleepyhead Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Sleepyhead Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Sleepyhead by Kyle

I been sleeping, I was
Whole time, I’m dreamin’ ’bout ya
Woke up and it was too late
Good things is gone by
Tuesday morning if you wait too long
When I made my move, yeah she was moving on
Op-op-opportunity, why can’t I hear you ring?
Stop making a fool of me
Op-op-opportunity, how could ya be so mean?
I guess it wasn’t meant to be

I said love
Oh love
Stop making this tough
I’ve been through enough
On me, on me
Ooh love, oh love
Tell me why you must
Leave me in your dust
I see

And she out like
Shooting your shot got a new meaning now
I’m shooting these shots back
And everything I’m meant to say is pouring out and squeezing out
I’m everything you needed now
But you needed me, but you are not a piece of now
So how am I supposed to get you back, f**k
I’m tired of tryna chalk Ls up to bad luck
Now I’ve gotta own that sh*t, baby
I wanted you, baby
I must’ve been dumb, drunk, or on some sh*t, baby
Or just straight up lazy
And watching good things go by
Am I still on your mind?
Because you’ve been on mine

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I been sleeping I was
Whole time I’m dreamin’ ’bout ya
Woke up and it was too late
Good things is gone by
Tuesday morning if you wait too long
When I made my move, yeah she was moving on
Op-op-opportunity, why can’t I hear you ring?
Stop making a fool of me
Op-op-opportunity, how could ya be so mean?
I guess it wasn’t meant to be

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