Are you looking for Satellite Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Satellite by Courtney Marie Andrews
You are a satellite
Orbiting around my mind
I’d like to see you tonight
Tonight, and every night
Cause I, I, I like you all the time
A constellation I always find
And I, I, I like to see you shine
My favorite piece of the sky
My favorite piece of the sky
You see me for who I am
More than a hologram
Or a projection of your plans
More than a woman, more than a man
But I, I, I like you all the time
A constellation I always find
And I, I, I like to see you shine
My favorite piece of the sky
My favorite piece of the sky
My favorite piece of the sky
You are a satellite
Orbiting around my mind
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