Sad Motherfuckin’ Parade Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Sad Motherfuckin’ Parade Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Sad Motherfuckin’ Parade by Jeff Beck

Sad motherf**king parade
Big time motherf**ker
Big time motherf**ker
Big time motherf**ker
Big time motherf**ker

Get in motherf**ker ‘fore I call a name
Big time motherf**ker
‘Cause if I had a dime it wouldn’t reach your hand
Big time motherf**ker
You’re sitting there like a dog with a seven-year itch
Big time motherf**ker
You keep selling out fast to make a bit of luck rich
Sad motherf**king parade

Big time motherf**ker
f**king motherf**ker, shut up
Big time motherf**ker
Big time motherf**ker
Sad motherf**king parade

Bust it down on my level
Big time motherf**ker
Ain’t had a dollar since God knows when
Big time motherf**ker
I’m raggedy, I know, but I have no stand
Big time motherf**ker
God bless I leave ya and I’ll buy me a drink
Sad motherf**king parade

What that f**king motherf**ker really need [?] is a bath
Big time motherf**ker
Snitches were bragging ’bout the fools they took
Big time motherf**ker
Shut up, I was really impolite
Big time motherf**ker
And I think you said enough for one motherf**king night
Big time motherf**ker

Sad motherf**king parade
Big time motherf**ker
Sad motherf**king parade
Big time motherf**ker
Sad motherf**king parade
Big time motherf**ker
Sad motherf**king parade
Sad motherf**king parade
Sad motherf**king parade
Big time motherf**ker
Sad motherf**king parade
Big time motherf**ker
Sad motherf**king parade
Big time motherf**ker
Sad motherf**king parade
Big time motherf**ker

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