Are you looking for Runner’s High Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Runner’s High by Muna
Since I left
I’ve not been drinking or staying out late
I get up early and I meditate
Paint the walls a different color
I’ve been doing
Almost everything I wanted to
Shame I couldn’t do it with you
Maybe it’s just human nature and I
Didn’t fake those tears
But I haven’t felt like crying
Since I put the car in gear
I’ve been
Feeling alright
Moving fast so you can’t cross my mind
Sometimes I wonder if I’m
On a runner’s high
Didn’t stay for the fight
Honey, you should see me fly
Since I ran out on you, I’m
On a runner’s high
(On a runner’s high)
If I regress
And picture you laying with her
You’d think that I’d find it disturbing
But it doesn’t really hurt me
I’ve been
Feeling alright
Moving fast so you can’t cross my mind
Sometimes I wonder if I’m
On a runner’s high
Didn’t stay for the fight
Honey, you should see me fly
Since I ran out on you, I’m
On a runner’s high
Hit me so I know I can feel something
You said I’d regret when I was leaving
Funny how a fall can feel just like flying
When I’m waiting for it to
Hit me
(Hit me so I know I can feel something)
But I’m feeling alright
(You said I’d regret when I was leaving
Funny how a fall can feel just like flying)
Am I on a runner’s high?
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