Are you looking for Ruinous Liturgy Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Ruinous Liturgy by Goatwhore
Hopeless beliefs are raised
Erected to glorify a god
Restless thoughts infest a fragile view of doubt
Fed this bitter scripture coiled in the fate of deceit
Atrocities unlocked
Plaguing all of mankind
False sacrament condemns
A construct of shame
Captive minds abused
The thrall of inhumanity
Symbols of salvation illuminating praise of death
Awakening clarity
Reality is torn from grace
Overshadowed virtues of life
Reveal this illusion
Confidence imprisoned in a forced concept of carnal sin
Heaven’s vacant conviction
A failed devotion commanding this endless ruin
Desolate faith
Unraveled praise
These words made flesh
Doctrine of rape
Temptation’s reach
Thy will undone
Falsely be named
Thy kingdom done
Damned in this life and in the beyond
The judgement of all
Escaping atonement for acts of sin
Worship unravels as idols fall
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