Are you looking for Regression Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Regression by Vlado Georgiev
Stay inside
Hidden agendas glisten shady eyes
Raping voice in the back of your mind
Programmed to betray your self
Pretend to love this
As if it were made for you
Just act stupid
Buy the new mask everyone is wearing
Facade behind facade
Never ending synthetic guise
Choose to be desensitized
Trade your innocence for lies
Stay inside
Hidden agendas glisten shady eyes
Raping voice in the back of your mind
Programmed to betray your self
Pretend to love this
As if it were made for you
Just act stupid
Buy the new mask everyone is wearing
Facade behind facade
Never ending synthetic guise
Choose to be desensitized
Trade your innocence for lies
Stand in line
Today is a day for progress
Move in line
Today is a day for progress
Sell yourself
You’re only worth what you’re paid
Worship money
It’s the reason you exist
Shut up, keep moving
Tomorrow will be worse
Shut up, keep moving
Tomorrow will be worse
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