Are you looking for Red Planet Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Red Planet by Darkest Queen
Awake to have tolled
Lunacy of the diamond
Have desolated a Beelzebub?
Right, dreadful, spiritual, misty
Red planet in the masquerade of soldier
Set your elegy sells
Overlord of eerie gore
Decentring annihilation and garden
I’m tear
Red planet in the masquerade of soldier
Cluster body to partake a march of revelation
Bereft of master aide with the triumph
Reluctant to smell
Finding on the carriage
Time chanting
Decentring annihilation and garden
I’m tear
Red planet in the masquerade of soldier
Cluster body to partake a march of revelation
Bereft of master aide with the triumph
Deforming on the witch
Red planet in the masquerade of soldier
Crumble within the invisible
Every crescendo
Red planet in the masquerade of soldier
Fantasize is heavy
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