Are you looking for Rapture Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Rapture by Mansionair
Got a little bit lost back then
Left me hanging here like a thread
Could you come and do it all again?
‘Cause you got me in love, you got me in a rapture
Like a moth to an open flame
You threw me off like a wild mistake
Don’t you know I wanna play this game?
‘Cause you got me in love, you got me in a rapture
Here I go
(Don’t you know I wanna play this game?
Don’t you know I wanna play this game?
‘Cause you got me in love, you got me in a rapture)
Caught a little bit of salt in here
I never meant to make you disappear
But you don’t know how much you need me, dear
You got me in love, you got me in a rapture
Here I go
(Don’t you know I wanna play this game?
Don’t you know I wanna play this game?
‘Cause you got me in love, you got me in a rapture)
Into your fire I crawl
You got me in love, you got me in a rapture
Into your fire I crawl
You got me in love, you got me in a rapture
Here I go
(Don’t you know I wanna play this game?
Don’t you know I wanna play this game?
‘Cause you got me in love, you got me in a rapture)
Into your fire I crawl
You got me in love, you got me in a rapture
Into your fire I crawl
‘Cause you got me in love, you got me in a rapture
Here I go
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