Pushing The Tides Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Pushing The Tides Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Pushing The Tides by Mastodon

I think I’m ready to start
I thought I heard you scream
We’re all part of this f**ked up devastation
Always spinning the wheels
A greater vision in sight
It’s not failure if you’re trying

Another prick of a thorn
The body reaches deep
As I choke the situation
Seeming clever and wise
Clouded beyond the dark cells
I know not what drips inside me

Pushing the tides
Trying not to go down and taken under
Pushing the tides
Try to keep my head above the water

You try untying the weight
And you continue to breathe
I remove you for protection
And where to go from here
A place you value the most
Such a brilliant realization

Pushing the tides
Trying not to go down and taken under
Pushing the tides
Try to keep my head above the water
Pushing the tides
Leading us to prevail
And all we desire
Pushing the tides
With every ounce of strength I have

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