Push It Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Push It Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Push It by Donnie Sands

They told me not to dream,
Cause dreamers never get, anything.
But look who’s winning now,
It’s not the ones who walked out, on me.
Push it, can you feel me now,
Push it, don’t you dare give out.
I’m on my way, I’m on my way…I’m on my way.
Push it, can you feel me now,
Push it, don’t you dare give out.
I’m on my way, I’m on my way…I’m on my way.
I’m on my way still no clue on where I’m gettin’,
All I know is how I’m livin’ isn’t quite how I envisioned.
Reality and nightmares seem to blend in endlessly,
It’s like my heart is in the right place, I just never seem to be.
That’s what you call a dream, it’s probably the hardest thing,
To honestly keep on pushin’ telling yourself believe.
Whatever you might be doing, don’t weather, just keep pursuing,
Remember the aspirations in which you were once influenced.
Gotta just keep it moving progressing, keep on improving.
Your point has finally been proven, they doubted you could do it..
Only picture your struggle with something you have to pass,
Loosen on the your past and hold victory in your grasp.
Women will come and go, friends you’ll never know,
But when you’re out ridin’ solo you’re never ever alone.
A simple lesson learned in the days of my adolescence.
Just when you run out of money, remember to count your blessings.

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